This blog has been percolating for a while now.
Time and time again, over the last few months I have had the conversation with
friends and clients about how to move forward in their lives. They feel
blocked, indecisive and uncertain about their future and there is often a
feeling of being frozen and unable to move in any direction. I, too, have
felt this unsettling energy and I would like to share the four steps I have
used to take that uncertainty and change it into a positive energy that is
propelling me forward.
First you dream
Sit down and really think about what you want your
life to look like. Think about your ideal career and how much time you would
like to spend working - a week, a month, a year. How much money would you like to make a
year? (Money is only energy and is a way of balancing give and take. Everyone
deserves to have a lovely, comfortable life!)
Dream without limits. What would you like to do – is there a career that has always called you
and maybe you didn’t feel it was possible for you. Would you like to write,
paint, teach workshops or help people? What makes your heart happy? Is it a relationship
you desire or financial freedom? Really take the time to dream, to feel how you
would like your life to be.
Create your dream on paper
Writing crystallizes thinking. Write down all the details of what you want to create without judgement
of exactly how you are going to do it. In order for the Universe to help you
manifest that which you desire, you need to be clear on what you desire. Isn’t
it interesting that when you are happy so many things happen to make you happier?
If you are miserable, well, all sorts of things to make you more miserable begin
happening. The Law of Attraction shows us that whatever you give your
attention, energy and focus to is what you attract into your life. If you have
a very vague idea of what you want to create (and this goes for every area of
your life) you will get a vague result. When you have all your details create a
concise list or a Vision Board, whatever you prefer. Again, what makes you
happy to look at?
Create an action plan

If money is a
challenge right now, there are lots of free instructional videos on YouTube.
Take action
Make a commitment to creating your heart’s desire, trust that you can have the life you want and then start working your Dream Plan. Get on your bike and start moving! As long as you are working your Plan, the Universe will help you by bringing people and situations to assist you in moving forward. REMEMBER, if you start having doubts about what you want that is just like jamming a stick into the spokes of your bicycle wheel. If it is a little stick, there will be a little jerk, the stick will break and you will continue to move forward. If there are a lot of little sticks then these doubts will lock your wheel and you are going to fall off the bicycle. When this does happen it is important to be kind to yourself, dust yourself off and hop back on that bike. You have to believe you can have the life you desire.
When you can put a check mark beside all your action items it is time to review your dream. Take your dream to another level by starting the whole process again. Every time you complete your action items, begin again by re-evaluating your dream. Accomplishing your action items will change you; you will gain more confidence, strength and courage. All through life, you will be course correcting. Like riding that bike, when the road is new you are going to come to forks in the road that you were not expecting and you must make a decision which direction to go. Take the path that feels the best to you, trust your gut instinct, your heart, even if it can’t be logically justified, and know that you have the ability to deal with whatever lies ahead. Continue to follow your heart and what makes you feel good and you will have a beautiful life in ways that you could never have predicted. Dreams do come true!
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