Saturday, 3 June 2017

Musings & Messages

It has been a while since I wrote a blog and I struggled with my subject. I went on a two-week retreat, escaping from the city to a beautiful quiet spot where I had only my own thoughts to distract me. Well apparently that was enough because 6 days later and I still hadn't put anything on paper. 

That day I saw a rock in the lake with a small tree determinedly growing on top and I was filled with inspiration. Sentences came flooding through but still nothing on paper. And then the following day, in between the bursts of rain and sunshine, I looked up through the window and saw a beautiful heron standing on that same rock. Those of you that know me are well aware that I believe everything has a meaning and a message and that I receive my messages through the Archangel Gabriel.

The heron has always had a special significance to me. A power animal or totem, known for its medicine and strength of self-reflection, herons often appear to me at times of change, when I need to look deep into my thoughts and direction. Several years ago, when I was in a similar position in my life I was out for a walk at a nearby pond and saw a heron fly in and land. A moment later another flew in and landed, then another and another...  by the time they stopped there were 22 herons in the pond and I was in total awe.

As I continued to walk I turned up an old dirt road and they took off and followed me, sitting in the trees that lined both sides of the road. I was filled with a feeling of warmth and light, and saw clearly that this was a message for me that my contemplated life change was in alignment with my future. Looking inside was important but once the decision was made then the Divine number of 22 the master builder, showed me that it was time to move forward in trust and build my career. I went on to make life changes from which I have never looked back. And now here I am, at crossroads and in the perfect place for introspection, to rest and to get clarity on my next steps and my friend heron appears with a strong message for me and for all those who find themselves in a place where they need to make what appears to be a difficult decision.

“You think you are in a hard and difficult place but you are not. You are simply in the place of growth and change. See that little tree on the rock? That tree is not just surviving, it is growing on the rock and who would have thought that even possible. The seed of this tree found soil where it looked like there was none and began to take root. It was time for it to grow and it grew. It is time for you to grow and you are growing. Change your perspective about what is around you and allow what is there to feed your soul. Maybe it is not what you expected, but that is ok.

Feel excitement and be positive about is happening right now. With this energy you will change your life for the better. The old way of living, of seeing limitations first, is an illusion your mind created to keep you “safe”. You are safe, safe to explore, safe to be true to yourself and safe to be vulnerable. One step forward is all you need to think about right now. Take a step in the direction of what feels good to you. You don’t need to know your whole future just take one step and look for the symbols and messages that are all around you, we are always here to help you with the next step.”

That heron has flown by 3 times while I’ve been receiving this message. I get it, I get it, lol, when you see or hear something 3 times it is important to pay attention! It is a whole new world, I’m taking my next step and I’m choosing to enjoy everything about it instead of suffering over making the “right” decision!

I’d love to hear from you, comment below and let me know what step you are taking!

Sunshine & Blessings


Heather Hannan
TransformationALL Life Coach

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